The Beginning

March 12, 2017  •  Leave a Comment


Merriam-Webster defines “passion” as:


  • emotion: the emotions as distinguished from reason
  • intense, driving or overmastering feeling or conviction
  • a strong like or desire for or devotion to some activity, object or concept
  • an object of desire or deep interest


I thought this would be a good place to begin my blog. If I had to think of what in my life fits Merriam-Webster’s definition it would be photography. Even back when I was in high school, in the days of film and darkrooms, I went after school to take photography classes. Unfortunately, I suppose that at the time photography, or even art, didn’t feel like a legitimate career choice, or were paths that women of the “feminist” generation should take. It didn’t reflect our independence and ability to compete with men in the workplace.


However, I never lost this “deep interest or desire” to make art, and more specifically, make photographs. I think I always loved the immediacy of the photographic image - you see it, you capture it, and then it is always there as a reminder of that special or precisely seen moment.


The bottom line here is that I guess if something is truly a passion it stays with you. And, I hate to admit that it took decades to get around to really recognizing this passion and then acknowledging it in my work.


Photographing things that are important to me is one part of my work, and I see that what is “important” continually changes and evolves over time. Writing about my work is the second part, and for me has a dual purpose. I believe that it will provide a context for my photographs, informing the viewer/reader of how I connect to a particular body of work. But I also hope that by putting my interests and concerns into words it will help me to follow this path, keeping me focused and thoughtful about what I’m doing.


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